My first order of business today is say HELLO! to the new subscribers. There was a substantial pop of new emails that signed up over the last week thanks to my cute little chat with Grossy Pelosi, and while I’m not sure how long you’ll stick around, I hope it’s for a little longer so we can get to know each other!
I’m Emma — a writer with a heart of gold, crippling anxiety, and a borderline offensive sense of humor who loves to share my life, stories, and interests with anyone who’s willing to listen. I started my blog 100 years ago in 2010 and kept it up until this year when I decided to pivot into Substack and leave my blog be for a bit. I make my living writing words for all sorts of clients, but my passion is this newsletter and the dating memoir I’ll get around to writing one of these days.
Today’s letter—the one you’re reading right now—is for paying subscribers, but I wanted to move the pay wall down a ways so I could use this space to introduce myself. There’s a lot of layers, but the only way to get to them is keep watching as I peel. Today’s letter features two monthly installments that I usually send out separately but decided to pair up this month.
The first is called TIBAR, or Things I Bought and Returned. This features all the things I bought that month and immediately returned (I shop a lot and return even more. It’s a sport for me).
The second is called GIFMM, or Got It From My Mama. This letter is curated entirely by my own mother, Ellen, who has her own fanbase amongst my audience.
As a free subscriber, though, you will receive the free Friday letter every week. That letter always includes a detailed breakdown of what I’m reading, watching, listening to, cooking, and shopping that week, and sometimes there’s an essay if I’m feeing it. Regardless, it’s always fun, informative, and I pack as much into it as I possibly can.
Whether you stick around for a while or were just here for Dan’s meatball smile, thank you! And if you feel intrigued to come to the dark side (the paid side), I’m happy to have you.