Jan 4Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Here for this. Here for you. Love you to the moon and to Saturn.

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love YOU

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Jan 4Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I love this for you and I will be joining you in the dry January. Lol, I love IG and probably should take a break...maybe I just cut back on the amount of time??? Anyway, we are here for you and I look forward to more substack articles from YOU! xoxo

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yes, even just cutting back the amount of time helps! thank you for reading and engaging, Patty

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Jan 4Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Joining you too. I’m so sick and tired of fertility shit that I’m putting a pin in it until March. In the meantime I’m not drinking just well because I’m sick of it and need a break. Cheers to a healthy reset ❤️

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CHEERS indeed. i'll be rooting for you over here.

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Jan 3Liked by Emma Golden Miller

We will be here when you return. Take time for yourself. We love you!💜

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Jan 3Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Good for you and everyone joining you in that reset (myself included)! I jumped off Instagram a few months ago and haven't really missed it, except of course for your updates and hilarious videos. I've found myself enjoying life a lot more within my small circle and hope you do too. Be kind to yourself and believe that you'll be snuggling your sweet baby one day soon.

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i can earnestly say that i truly don't miss it at all thus far. it's only been a few days, but i feel.. free? thank you for being supportive and amazing. it's readers like you that make it all worth it!

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Jan 3Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I’m so excited for your future. Be kind to yourself and remember how finding Zac took a bit too. You got this🫶🏼 you know we’ll be here for all your seasons, and this is why we love you! Life sucks a LOT sometimes, and we appreciate your realness. Better days are coming, I know it

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ugh, yes. thank you, Ally. you sound just like my friends and family. i keep reminding myself of that — it took me a while to find Zac, and it'll take me a second to have a baby but it'll all be okay in the end. better than okay. thank you for your positivity!

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Jan 3Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Joining you ❤️

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come on in! the water's fine. like a perfect hot tub temperature, honestly. warm and comforting.

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Jan 3Liked by Emma Golden Miller

You have reached your 'saturation level,' as I like to refer to it. Retreat and reset...you're ready now to make that happen. Events of 2023 pounded you into this position, but sunnier days are ahead, and they'll happen when you least expect. No one can be happy all the time, but they can be content ...and that's the key. Here for you ALWAYS because I love you, and I like you.

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"saturation level." yes. i was pushed to the brink and so happy to be on the other side. i wouldn't be if not for you and Allie. i love you, Mama.

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Jan 3Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Here for this and joining you.

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I feel like this hard reset is a really a soft reset - which is what I'm looking for too. Be gentle with yourself, rest. Drink enough water. Read a little. Write. Ignore the outside world while you build strength. We've got this. Excited to join you.

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"ignore the outside world" is the key. yes. thank you, Cass ❤️

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