Aug 7, 2023Liked by Emma Golden Miller

In the same boat on Barbie. I enjoyed it, but all of the hype surrounding it made me feel like I REALLY should have enjoyed it. It was a cute, fun summer movie with a good message and I did cry at one part, but going into it I thought I was going to be sobbing multiple times and wanting to go back to see it again ASAP.

Also, I have had that coffee maker for 4-5 years now and love it! I bought a second one for my mom's house too. It's just a good, solid coffee maker and I appreciate the "strong" brew setting.

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it is the BEST gd coffeemaker ever. i love anything Ninja makes, so i shouldn't be surprised!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Right there with you on Barbie. I had such high expectations for it (since I *loved* Lady Bird and Little Women) and walked out disappointed. The aesthetic of the film is spectacular and the acting is great, but I wasn't wowed by the story and script. I still don't quite understand the rules for how the real world and Barbie Land work together... It just didn't work for me.

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agreed on all fronts!!! it felt very disjointed and just weird?!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I am here to say I had the same exact reaction to Barbie! And I too thought something was wrong with me. Plus I feel double-guilty because I really really liked Oppenheimer and didn't feel the need to criticize despite it being a male director and everything. Yes, Barbie was great but also predictable? Also the whole "ordinary Barbie" pitch at the end was not my favorite because it felt like they missed the point that being "ordinary" is actually quite "extraordinary" even if we aren't all astronauts or doctors or president.

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hey, that's okay. we watched the Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary over the weekend and i LOVED IT so much? so i get that guilty feeling. but whatever β€” we like what we like!

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