Aug 18Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Emma, if you haven’t heard of the app Paprika, I think you would love it! It’s a digital recipe box and can consolidate all of your various websites/cookbook photos/texted recipes/etc. into a recipe you can easily reference. It’s only a one time $5 purchase. (I’m am not sponsored or employed by them, just an avid home cook who is obsessed with the product) you can even share recipes with friends!

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yes!!! i have!

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Aug 16Liked by Emma Golden Miller

We live in Houston and the restaurant scene is very similar to that of Dallas. Like you, I would rather cook a quick and yummy meal on the week nights and then REALLY treat ourselves on either Friday or Sat. Plus, since hubby has retired, he makes some of the best cocktails in town, seriously! Can't wait to read all about what your first meal in your new kitchen will be. I have no doubt that it will be wonderful...xoxo

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Aug 16Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Love this post and totally agree. It’s like being on vacation, by the end of the trip, I am so tired of eating out. So, the big question now is…..what will be one of your first meals to cook in the new kitchen. Or is it too soon for that question??

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this is THE question of the summer. i don't know yet. i go back and forth daily. it's so overwhelming and exciting!!! SO MUCH PRESSURE.

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I will forever be grateful for Dan posting about you in his stories during early COVID times!

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omg!!!! 🥰

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Aug 16Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I was just living in a hotel for 21 days for work and ordered dinner in every night because I was too tired to go out. It made all restaurants basically unappealing. I’m home one weekend and now I want to start a garden and GROW my own food. The extremes 😂

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HAHAHAHA incredible and so so relatable. my parents suggested BRINGING IN FOOD to celebrate our new kitchen when it's done, to which i responded "i am never... eating out again. so."

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I’m so excited for your new kitchen and all the newness to come for you ♥️

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thank you, AC. you're, per usual, the best.

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Aug 16Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I'm 💯 with you on the dining out experience decline and I don't even live in Dallas. It's like restaurants are okay with serving mediocre food and we're just supposed to cool with it? Is consistency too much to ask?

I too, find joy in cooking a quick, delicious weeknight meal... that was until my toddler figured out he can bite the back of my legs to get my attention IMMEDIATELY. Can you poll your mom friends and ask if anyone has a mind trick on how to give a calm and collected response to that shit? I usually scream "OUCH dude!" and he laughs. 🫠

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oh wow. as a not-yet-but-soon-to-be-mom, my initial reaction to that is to get serious and a little mean and say, we do NOT bite. and put him in time out for a few minutes. but this is why i won't ever join a mom group or offer wisdom to anyone because i'm sure that's wrong and i'd get reemed for it.

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