Sep 25Liked by Emma Golden Miller

As an auntie that has seen one of her sisters struggle with trying to get pregnant, I have so much more space in my heart and openness for understanding babies than I maybe did years ago. Now this doesn't mean I want one of my own, but I think watching my sister finally becoming a mom really has opened my eyes to how much mothers go through. - and it makes me so happy for you emma. Some days are really hard for my sister but even though she didn't love pregnancy, she loves being a mom (even on the many days she doesn't get to shower).

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Fuuuuuck snaps

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So much goodness here; thanks for compiling and sharing Emma

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love this. i am not expecting, or close to that phase of life - but some of these are great general advice too! thanks for sharing <3

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Pinch of Yum has a great series of freezer meals. The chicken meatballs are no joke!

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As a soon-to-be mom with a little over a month left, I can tell already that this list will be incredibly helpful. Like you, Emma, I’ve been super dialed in on having a plan for PPA/PPD, but literally just realized I haven’t even thought about the need to have formula on hand from the get-go in case BF doesn’t work out easily for us. Would welcome any brand recommendations from readers or if any have been shared with you, otherwise, that will be top of list for my next OB appointment!

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Holy moly!! The Baby Brezza WASHES now too!?? We begged for this feature every night when we were met with a bin full of pump parts and Dr. Brown's bottles (IYKYK). I also sanitized for way too long (~6 months) lol our pediatrician was like "oh, you can stop doing that now." 🥴

Ahh the newborn days, it's a lot of work but I've never felt closer to my husband. You're both gonna do great!! 💙 Enjoy all the cuddles and neverending love.

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Thank you for sharing!! As someone who anticipates having kids in the near future—this list is great. And positive! I feel like we read so many negative and “scary” things on social media. This is refreshingly positive and encouraging. Thank you Emma!

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Great list! Also, I agree about meal train verse frozen food. Gives people a way to help and fresh food but space it out! People make huge portions. We both gained weight post twins from the overflow of meal train drop offs from our church 🤪 So excited for Baby Millers arrival!

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As a brand spanking new mom just coming out of the 3 month fog, this is a great list. The baby brezza bottle washer/dryer/sterilizer is the GOAT, worth the splurge. Agree with another commenter, joining a group of other parents who are in the same birth month/EXACT same stage and only off by a few weeks is huge. All the friends and family support got me through it, but asking another parent who also has a *5* week old who is doing something hyper-specific is helpful because although other friends who have babies who are only a few months ahead have already forgotten the weekly nuances that happen in those first few months bc it is truly a blur.

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This is all so so good. ESPECIALLY having a plan for PPD/PPA. My brain lied to me the minute my baby was born last October until maybe early December? and I didn't even have PPD (by the numbers anyway). It is WILD the effect that hormones have on your thoughts and how much they want you to know that you can't do this (you can absolutely do this). You're going to be a great mom, Emma! Your DGAF but also GAF outlook on life will translate into motherhood in the best way and I can't wait to watch it unfold like a creep in your stories! <3

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This was such a great read. Wanted to add 2 things I didn’t see here.

I hear you on the postpartum meals I made a few freezer meals but honestly frozen food never hits the same, and I didn’t love having them🤷🏻‍♀️ we went the mealtrain route. I suggest having a friend or your sister set up a meal train for once or twice a week. Friends and family love to bring you meals or have takeout delivered. I liked the structure of meal train instead of random pop-ins. Up to you if you want to invite them into your home to enjoy and meet baby.

Join a parenting support group. (Different than a mom group on social media lol ) we have Partners in Parenting in Austin and parents with children that are all born with in a month or two meet and discuss topics that you are currently going through. Examples feeding, sleep, starting solids etc and a lot of Doula groups offer similar options. It was nice to have a group of parents that are in the same baby stage. I found my good friends with kids had a really hard time remembering specific advice for newborn phase. I have a few moms I’m still close with from this group and my child is 3

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Yes yes yes to meal train instead of frozen meals!!!

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Okay, I have to admit I was a teensy bit skeptical of all the advice that would come through, but this truly is the best list I've ever seen. I could have used this especially in those fresh postpartum weeks. The best thing that helped in the first couple of months was getting outside. If it was raining, we would walk as many laps as I could at North Park. Also picking a show to binge or a new book to read. At that point, I was basically just a milk machine and we only did contact naps during the day, so we would pick a good spot and cozy up for a while. You're SO close to all the newborn baby cuddles!!

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Agreed with everything with one exception. Chores can wait. Yes they can wait but sometimes you need to do the chores for your sanity if you like things neat and sometimes it is not sanitary! You can’t let it go forever. Love on you baby, yes. Don’t sweat the small stuff. I got let the chores wait way way way too much! Everything in moderation.

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This is wonderful, you got so much good advice! I so agree with the last part - the beginning is incredibly hard and later you will be like, I think I just blacked out, because you will barely remember anything. I had a super sick baby until he was about 3 months so I had an extremely rough adjustment to parenthood, and now I'm just like, huh? what was that? They get so much heartier and more fun around 12-14 weeks when they can use their bodies better and smile and respond to you!

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Never been pregnant, not trying to be pregnant at this time & yet I sprinted when I got the notification. Time to take notes 📝

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Aug 30Liked by Emma Golden Miller

same! i’m using the (applicable) tips for my new dog mom life. i also never thought about snaps, but it makes so much sense. who decided snaps were good for clothes that you have to take off a baby 3782917 times a day?!

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