Jun 3, 2023Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I read these newsletters and just think....gosh I wish I could write like that. Couldn’t agree with you more here, E!

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you are the best. love you!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Emma Golden Miller

As someone who's partner is infertile, and therefore, me not able to be a mom naturally, these stories make me mad as well. It isn't fair. And quite honestly, 45 is too old to get pregnant (likely was IVF). If I had even a small chance to miraculously get pregnant now, at my age (over 40), I just wouldn't do it. Life is what it is now, and that time has come and gone, but I still have my days where I'm sad I'll never be a mom. I also agree that the grief those children will go through (or not if they're too young to even know) is pretty much guaranteed. That sucks. Zip it up, you damn old geezers!

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well said!!!!!!

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