Jun 22Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I loved House of Spirits, and though there is little dialogue, I thought I understood the bit of Spanish through context clues, and would go into work and BOLDLY say to my Mexican coworkers at cafés, restaurants, etc. "Hola compañero!", thinking I was saying something like "Hi, coworker!' And did not realize until YEARS later it was something more like "comrade" or "bestie in the socialist revolution"??? In my defense, they replied in kind, and nobody corrected me. So...who is really to blame?

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HAHAHA incredible

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Jun 22Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Loved both James and The Women I gave both 5 stars on Goodreads FWIW ❤️

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Jun 22Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I have never even heard of this Malarky guy, but it seems I'm not missing out. He sounds like a schmuck. Another BB flavor that my husband raves about is the gooey butter cake flavor. It's now his favorite. HOD...my geeezzuusss....that last episode, I thought they surely weren't going to do what they did. I was wrong. I have had injections (due for more) in my hands, too, and they aren't fun. Did they give you lidocaine first?! I hope you feel so much better soon!💜💜

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they didn't. he said the lidocaine was built INTO the shot.... so i did get numb, but only after. 😮‍💨

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Ugh. That sucks!😩

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Jun 21Liked by Emma Golden Miller

The Women was the best book I’ve read in a couple years. Gotta read it!! Also— my heart seriously just goes out to you for all the cards you’ve been dealt during this pregnancy! Geez!! Way to keep your spirits up! You seem to be handling it well!

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thanks girl! honestly it's par for the course for my life. see: my wedding. it's all just fodder and stories to tell my son!

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Jun 21Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Okay a few thoughts: 1. Brian Malarky is the worst. 2. The Women is a great book- it’s incredibly eye opening, and as someone who volunteers with vets, I felt it in my soul. It also can whirl up emotions and if you’re just coming off an Isabel Allende book, it might be too emosh. Maybe stay in the magical realism realm and go for a Carlos Ruiz Zafon book.

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i took this to heart and decided to go with James for now. i needed a comedic relief break!

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Jun 21Liked by Emma Golden Miller

lol Brian Malarky….the worst!

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