Just chiming in to say the rhinestone embellished sunglasses (ON THE LENS!) took me right back to a special place in the early aughts. What a time to be alive. We must be roughly the same age, because that was just about the time that I discovered the hair straightener and turned that baby up to the highest heat setting and went to town.

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Jan 19Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Oh Emma I did what I always do, and read thru so quickly that it didn't register that you DID mention you must have done something major before your 8th grade graduation but couldn't remember what it was. HARD ASS MOMMA is just an ASS MOMMA and needs to slow down when reading. Yikes. Sorry.

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Jan 19Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Emma, I am a HARD ASS MOMMA, but I believe in the best way! ( I like my style, girlfriend). Forgot about the hair straightening incident but in my defense there had to be more to it if I ruined your 8th grade graduation? You know I have never forgotten the Christmas situation, because If you go 'looking' and ruin surprises, you're gonna get an even BIGGER surprise...and ya won't like it! Love you with or without curls, and with or without Christmas presents. P.S. Only returned the Christmas presents you discovered, so you still had gifts to open. Kisses

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yes yes. i had SOME presents that year but not the olive skinned Barbie i had been vying for. Theresa was here name, I think. an Italian.

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Jan 19Liked by Emma Golden Miller

ok the twins show had me SHOOK regarding my meat consumption. Like... their biological age vs actual age... that is seared into my consciousness now.

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same. i forgot about the age thing... dear god.

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Jan 19Β·edited Jan 19Liked by Emma Golden Miller

Ditto on the plant-forward after watching that Netflix series. Have you watched May December yet? The premise is a bit unnerving but Natalie Portman’s performance gave me chills. She’s up there with Carey this year, IMO.

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i haven’t yet but it’s on my list!! i’ve heard the acting is mind blowing

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Jan 19Liked by Emma Golden Miller

You may have already tried it, but just in case you haven't, my favorite jarred salsa is the Roasted Restaurant Style from the brand Texas Texas: https://texastexassalsa.com/products/roasted-restaurant-style

It is INCREDIBLE. You can find it at most grocery stores in Texas but you can also order online for those who live outside of Texas.

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will keep my eye out!!

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Jan 19Liked by Emma Golden Miller

I love the plant forward recipe idea! Would love to see more in the future!

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